Dirty Air Plenum
This is the Dirty air plenum of the baghouse was designed, fabricated and install by Grand Industrial.

Wear Plate Installation
The interior of the chute is lined with AR400 plates to withstand the highly abrasive material that passes through it.

Offset Transition
A chute designed for a small amount of space to offset a duct system to connect with another.

Environmental Discharge Stack
This stack is the outlet of a dust collection system designed and installed by grand industrial at a hazardous waste treatment facility.

Rendering Process Stack
Grand Industrial managed design and performed fabrication as well as site installation of this 100' tall 304 SS stack.

Rendering Process Stack

RTO - Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer
This RTO system weighs 130K pounds and made to be air tight. We fully assembled this system in our shop before shipping to the customer.

PPE Carts
The PPE carts are constructed of stainless steel and are made to be easily cleaned for sanitary purposes. They open from either side to allow easy access.

Large Exhaust Stack
This is a large exhaust stack produced by Grand Industrial for an Indianapolis hazardous recycling plant.